do you WANT TO KNOW coo lfacts about DEsKTOPS?? IF so desktop has cool stuff
that you could really do.
so HERE IS a list of cool facts about it
1. YOU can organize things or even make them MESSER For peopel that don't know How to do organize things for their desktop
Easily You could do this instruction
in winDOW s. which is pretty cool
All you had to do is to Righ Click on the desk top in the backgroun
and do this way
Very simple to orangize with this instruction
if you Want to make even MESSER you could put your files to your
DESKTOP caution: it make your eyes hurt small
to your desktop
With most other desktop in Win nblwpos you can add things to your desktop
with application and fun things Which is very cool and
great for your desktop and you can show it to your friends online How cool
is that
All you had to do was to dra a FIle to the Desktop... SIMPLE!!
3. You can CUSTOMIzE yor desktop to look so good Do you not like the lame green desk top???? IF so you could Customiz
YOR desktop for FREE and you do not have to pay
anytthing in either to do that. Very isnp,eRight click on the Desktop and
seleect Propertis. This is where you could customize
your background or your theme of your computer to look even cooler to your
Very SIMPL for chilrens and kids that want to decorat their DESKTOPP
As you can see when you SELECT propertis. IT brings you here and yo
u CAn decortte the background and also appearence of
Notice i have a mallar as my wall paper for my comput in the last articl
Thank you For reading my COol facts abotu desktops
hope that stuff is
helpful To YOU .